Monday, 28 December 2009

How to Build a List - Seduce and Dazzle Your Visitors!

By Chris Farrell

Did you watch the video then Click Here to visit Chris Farrell's membershipsite!

There is a technique to making money online. And it starts with knowing how to build a list. This is one of the best Internet Marketing tips I can give you. A lot of people (by far the majority) have 'luck' as a core strategy in their business plan. "I hope someone will buy..." "Maybe I'll be lucky..."
The world is moving so fast these days that the man
who saysit can't be done is generally interrupted by
someone doing it.
ElbertHubbard (1856-1915)
Come on! Who wants to run a business like that? There is no luck needed to make money online. This is how to make money online. You will make money by building a list interested in a certain subject (or niche as it's called) nurturing a relationship with this list before introducing your list to related products you know they will be interested in. By far the majority of website owners are too busy wanting to make money immediately that they forget this. Or ignore it.

The majority of website owners do not comprehend how important building a list is. Imagine you went into a store and the sales assistant was immediately in your face screaming 'buy, buy, buy!' You'd leave without purchasing. And so you should. It's exactly the same for a web business. This is a store only online. I hope suddenly you are beginning to see this. Many do not. When you first started dating you got to know each other first, learned about each other. Building a web business is the same.

Seduce your visitors! Make them feel special. Dazzle them. Reply to their emails. Offer a wonderful free gift as an incentive to get them to join your list. Does it take more work? Yes. But not that much. A few weeks a month at the most. You don't need any magical Internet Marketing tips if you treat people as people - not cyber credit cards.
Believe that life is worth living and your belief will
help create the fact.
William James (1842-1910)
Chris Farrell went online for the first time - in February 2008. Within 6 months Chris was having many $250/days. Within 9 months Chris had his first $1000/days (all figures verifiable). Chris is now a full time Internet Marketer, Product Developer, Writer and Broadcaster working from home in Beverly Hills, California. Chris's products have now helped over 15,000 newcomers (and rising) successfully start their web business. Chris is a big believer in teaching the 'process' first.

So many fail online as they do not know step-by-step what to actually do. You can now grab your free 'Copy This' Step-by-Step Blueprint - How To Make $250/day Online - created especially for the newcomer - by clicking here

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Sunday, 20 December 2009

Want to Make Money Online? - You'll Need This First

By Chris Farrell

Did you watch the video then Click Here to visit Chris Farrell's membershipsite!

Many people write about the most important 'thing' that you need to start making money online. Sure there's the website and good writing, an attractive offer, easy payment options etc... But - to me - it's abundantly clear and acutely obvious, that before ALL of this, you must have the CORRECT MINDSET.
The man who does not read books has no
advantage over the man who can't read them.
Mark Twain (1835-1910)
Now, I'm not going to bombard you with any positive mental attitude talk or the psychology of sales rubbish. But I'd like to share with you just ONE thing that WILL make all the difference.

EVERY single person that has been successful in ANY field (NOT just the Internet) ALWAYS says the same thing.

Do you know what they all say?

This one 'thing' that every successful person has in common -- is they TOOK ACTION.
Yeah yeah yeah I know we've heard it all before - but this is the ONE thing that
EVERY successful person has in common. It's not talent, it's not luck, it's not intelligence...'s that they got up and DID SOMETHING.

Most people are great starters but poor finishers. Look at how many people start a book never to finish it, the number of gym registrations at the start of the year, the high numbers of people who throw in the towel on a project after JUST A FEW DAYS

We are ALL scared! Get over it!
No man is great enough or wise enough for any of us to surrender our destiny to. The
only way in which anyone can lead us is to restore to us the belief in our own guidance.
Henry Miller (1891-1980)
American Writer.
How many times have we heard or have we said to ourselves 'I can't do that - I'm not good enough - I'm not talented enough - I don't have time - It's not for me - I'm not good looking enough- I'm too old - I'm too young...'

Just STOP. And start THINKING differently. The results will be magical.

Chris Farrell is a successful writer and broadcaster. He specializes in teaching the newcomer how to make money online. He is the author of many ebooks, including the popular 'Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon'. Get yours for FREE here =>

And check out SUCCESS GRENADE - Chris's free rapidly growing weekly newsletter => []

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Sunday, 13 December 2009

Adopting the Correct Mindset - Making the Internet Work For You

By Chris Farrell

Did you watch the video then Click Here to visit Chris Farrell's membershipsite!

It has been proven time after time after time after time, that the way we look at our life is essentially a barometer of our expectations.
This is based on what we've been taught we are worthy of having and capable of achieving.

These influences are mostly inspired by external influences - such as family, upbringing, and community.

Here's a thought for you.

Most people will go to the time and effort of writing a will at some stage of their life, to say what they want to happen after they die. Few people put the same effort into what they want to happen whilst they are still here. Take a moment right now to notice how you look at the world.

How do you view the business of making money online? Be honest!!

Do you believe that it will be difficult but it can be done?

Or secretly deep down inside do you think it won't really work for you?

If you chose the latter - firstly congratulations on being honest with yourself.

But secondly - let me tell you clearly and plainly - making money online IS something that

the average Joe CAN do. But the FIRST step is adopting the correct mindset.

Are you plagued by negative thoughts? The 'yeahs' - the ' buts'? If so, it is critical that you cut those thoughts out as soon as they start.

Whatever you think about constantly, you will create.

If you're continually focusing on how difficult your goal is, you will never achieve it. You need to believe that it is - at least - possible.

Chris Farrell is a successful writer and broadcaster. He specializes in teaching the newcomer how to make money online. He is the author of many ebooks, including the popular 'Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon. Get yours for FREE here =>

And check out SUCCESS GRENADE - Chris's free rapidly growing weekly newsletter =>

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Sunday, 6 December 2009

A Simple Strategy To Begin Making Money Online!

By Chris Farrell

Did you watch the video then Click Here to visit Chris Farrell's membershipsite!

It sounds ideal doesn't it?
Who wouldn't be attracted to this business?
Working from home - a few lazy hours a day - bang out a few emails - and then watch as the cash rolls in?
But it's exactly this idyllic picture that traps countless people every year. Remember life before the web? All innocent and unsuspecting. Suddenly one random day we hear about making money online, and - BOOM! - with a Vader-like grip we are pulled over to the Dark Side. The Dark Side that is Internet Marketing.

We've all been there; goggle eyed in astonishment at the jaw dropping incomes many are claiming to make per day, per week, per month - simply by using the world wide web.
Naturally we are intrigued. Can anyone do this? And if about someone such as, well, So we dig deeper. But then what happens?

The more we delve into this murky pond of making money from home, the more we begin to convince ourselves that before we really get started, we need to know EVERYTHING.
From just days earlier having nothing but boundless enthusiasm and a hungry desire
to succeed, now we have morphed into a rabid creature, gorging on as much information as we can get our hands on. Furiously working every night till 2am - enduring the wrath of our loved ones now banished to sleeping alone - ferociously cramming as much as we can.

'..just 10 more minutes..', '..just finishing this email..', '..just downloading my 17th ebook..' Up sells, down sells, htmls, affiliates, anchor links, cloaked links,I love my niche, I hate my niche, need a blog, must join that, must join this, that ezine looks good, what a great forum..Just STOP! For the love of god just stop.

You will NEVER know everything about this business. There is NEVER a perfect time to start. As general George Patton said; A good plan violently executed right now, is far better than a perfect plan executed next week.

Stop trying to master everything. It will drive you insane. I know, my refrigerator told me. Instead, take a walk from your computer, and ask yourself what is the ONE thing you want to master. How to create an ebook? Great - then do JUST that. Getting your first site online? Perfect - do JUST this.

I have implemented an incredibly simple strategy; since doing so my business has come on leaps and bounds.

What is it?

Quite simply - I write down my daily aim - and stick it on the PC. I then REFUSE to do ANYTHING that distracts me from this. As soon as I started working in this manner, I instantly stopped checking my emails every half hour, Googling something I thought of, dipping into yet another download, signing up for yet another membership site..

Your best investment could be a stack of cheap Post It notes. Scribble down your daily aim, slap it on your monitor, and vow that you will achieve your aim before doing any other business online.

Your arsenal of skills will rapidly grow and you will amaze yourself at how quickly your business will progress. Then you can check your emails.

(c) Chris Farrell 2008 - You MAY reprint this article on your site/blog/autoresponder etc so long as you leave all the links in place - including the link to - and do not edit or modify the content.

Chris Farrell is a successful writer and broadcaster. He specializes in teaching the newcomer how to make money online. He is the author of many ebooks, including the popular 'Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon'. Get yours for FREE here =>

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Friday, 2 January 2009

Welcome Post!

Welcome to "how to Make Money Online The Sure Way" Blog, in
the next few weeks we shull be introducing, only the best
products that proven to work, and make easy money online, so
make sure you visit this Blog regular, to take advantage of
the best reviews.

see you next post
