Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Want to Make Money Online? - You'll Need This First

By Chris Farrell

Did you watch the video then Click Here to help you get started!

How would you like to learn step by step, How to make money online even if you know nothing about the internet. Try it you've got nothimg to lose!

Many people write about the most important 'thing' that you need to start making money online.

Sure there's the website and good writing, an attractive offer, easy payment options etc...

But - to me - it's abundantly clear and acutely obvious, that before ALL of this, you must

Now, I'm not going to bombard you with any positive mental attitude talk or the psychology of sales rubbish.

But I'd like to share with you just ONE thing that WILL make all the difference.

EVERY single person that has been successful in ANY field (NOT just the Internet) ALWAYS says the same thing.

Do you know what they all say?

This one 'thing' that every successful person has in common -- is they TOOK ACTION.

Yeah yeah yeah I know we've heard it all before - but this is the ONE thing that
EVERY successful person has in common. It's not talent, it's not luck, it's not intelligence...'s that they got up and DID SOMETHING.

You are today where your thoughts have brought you;
you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.
James Allen (1849-1925)

Most people are great starters but poor finishers. Look at how many people start a book never to finish it, the number of gym registrations at the start of the year, the high numbers of people who throw in the towel on a project after JUST A FEW DAYS

We are ALL scared! Get over it!

How many times have we heard or have we said to ourselves 'I can't do that - I'm not good enough - I'm not talented enough - I don't have time - It's not for me - I'm not good looking enough- I'm too old - I'm too young...'

Just STOP. And start THINKING differently. The results will be magical.

Chris Farrell is a successful writer and broadcaster. He specializes in teaching the newcomer how to make money online. He is the author of many ebooks, including the popular 'Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon'. Get yours for FREE here =>

And check out SUCCESS GRENADE - Chris's free rapidly growing weekly newsletter => []

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Friday, 5 March 2010

Killer Traffic Tip - How to Get 250+ Sign Ups a Day

By Chris Farrell

Did you watch the video then Click Here to help you get started!

I am currently working on a traffic generation technique that is now getting me about 250+ sign ups a day. Yes a day.

And it's free. And best of all - it is targeted traffic

I have been experimenting recently with viral giveaways. Yes I know it sounds like something you see the Doctor for but don't let that put you off.

A viral giveaway works as follows.

For a limited amount of time (usually two weeks) a viral giveaway will take place on the web. If you want to build your list this is a great thing to get your head around.

All you do - is contribute a free gift (usually an eBook) to this giveaway.

Now if you don't have your own gift - either write one, or get the rights (often for free) to a product and use that.

Once you have a free gift - you simply upload it to the viral giveaway site.'s pretty much it.

Then when the giveaway goes live traffic flows to the site. And if someone likes the look of your gift - they click on it - and are taken to your site. There you have you opt in form. They fill in their details - you get them on your list - they get the free gift. Bing Bang Boom...

Now - the only 'catch' is that when a visitor goes to the giveaway they do have to sign up (for free) to take part. And then - they have to sign up again for each gift they want. It's hardly a huge downside however - but worth noting. Some people may therefore use an email address that they only use for 'free' stuff.

I know there have been many articles about the power of giving away something of value to entice a sign up - and you do have to be careful that in the long run you don't give everything away for free - but as a means to start building a list - this really is pretty easy and a great way to get your feet wet in this wonderful business at no cost.

The best thing to sell is a better product, with
greater service, at a lower price.
JOE KARBO (1925-1980)

I am using many traffic generating techniques currently - from articles to YouTube to ezines to link swapping to forums to Craigs List.... Some more successful than others - but viral giveaways have been (for me) by far the most successful. And ironically the easiest and the quickest.

I also doubt very much that I will continue to get sign ups at 250 a day - I'm sure that will die down as the giveaway continues - but it is easy to see how quickly by involving yourself with a few of these - your list can quickly organically grow with targeted traffic.

Here is a link to all the viral giveaways going on at the moment: Or just Google 'viral giveaways'.

I hope this may help a few starting in this business

Chris Farrell is a successful writer and broadcaster. He specializes in teaching the newcomer how to make money online. He is the author of many eBooks, including the popular 'Create Your First Website By 3:45 This Afternoon'. Get yours for FREE here =>

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Friday, 19 February 2010

Website Marketing Tips - Become Successful With Forum Marketing!

By Chris Farrell

Did you watch the video then Click Here to get started!

Forum Marketing can be a very powerful source of free targeted traffic. But there are a few guidelines to master first - before you can harness the power of Forum Marketing.

Be positive.

People naturally gravitate to positive people. Post positive sounding posts. Don't get personal about other users (even if you don't agree with them) or products/services you don't personally like. My first website marketing tip: Everyone is trying to grow or create their business -- it pays to be nice.


Visit your forum every day and contribute. Don't be scared. Ask questions. Get involved. Don't be shy. Even if you are brand new -- say that. Introduce yourself. Very quickly you WILL build up a supportive network on online friends.

Never post an ad on a forum!

Instead - get a reputation for being helpful. And try and give back when you can -- rather than asking for help/advice all the time.
Self trust is the essence of heroism.
Ralph Waldo Emersion (1803-1882)
Create a 'stand out' signature file.

A signature file is what you use to 'sign off' your posts with. You can often make them as eye catching as possible. Be always on the lookout for people who you can connect with. Maybe they have a service that would help you market your site or maybe they are just fun people to get to know. Maybe they would benefit from your encouragement.

Forums are a lot of fun.

You may get many leads from people who respond to your question publicly - or they may contact you privately through the forum (known as a PM - personal Message)

Sign up for as many forums as you can handle but try and spend no more than half an hour every day at your forum. Forum marketing can get very addictive, and eat up a lot of your time. I log on once a day, maybe answer a few posts, maybe post a few, then log out.

If you find someone who you think (from reading their posts) would be a good person to approach to suggest helping each other to grow your respective business - send them a Personal Message. Just say hi. Mention that you enjoy reading their posts and would like to be friends. Remember the web is called the web for a reason - it's all about connecting people. A forum is a great opportunity to find like minded individuals online.

Chris Farrell went online for the first time - in February 2008. Within 6 months - Chris was having many $250/days. Within 9 months Chris had his first $1000/days (all figures verifiable). Chris is now a full time Internet Marketer, Product Developer, Writer and Broadcaster working from home in Beverly Hills, California.

Chris's products have now helped over 15,000 newcomers (and rising) successfully start their web business. Chris is a big believer in teaching the 'process' first. SO many fail online as they do not know step-by-step WHAT to actually do. You can now grab your FREE 'Copy This' Step-by-Step Blueprint - How To Make $250/day Online - created ESPECIALLY for the newcomer - by clicking here.

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Friday, 12 February 2010

Kicking Doubt's Butt! - An Attitude Needed to Make Money Online

By Chris Farrell

Did you watch the videos then Click Here to download all video modules for FREE!

Hit the delete button every time doubt appears.

Easier said than done though right? Doubt can make your business drown! Of course we all suffer from it. But it's how we react to doubt - not doubt itself - that makes the difference between success and failure.

We are all scared! Get over it! Can I let you into a deep dark secret that festers away in most people but is rarely spoken about? Most people secretly like doubt. Why? Because doubt is a very handy convenient excuse that we can use when we are not really doing what we want with our life.

How many times have we heard or have we said to ourselves 'I can't do that - I'm not good enough - I'm not talented enough - I don't have time - It's not for me - I'm not good looking enough- I'm too old - I'm too young...'

Doubt can be a very useful tool that many use to convince themselves that not taking action - is indeed the correct path - because 'somebody else could do it but not me..' 'I don't know the first thing about a website..' ' I can't do that...' 'I don't know where to start..' 'I don't know what to do...'

The mind is like a clock that is constantly running down
and must be wound up daily with good thoughts.
Fulton John Sheen,Bishop(1895-1979)

Naturally building an online business you will butt noses with doubt. This is a new business you are creating - you are bound to come across doubts and problems.

But it's NOT the doubts and problems themselves you should be concerned about - it's how you REACT and RESPOND to these doubts and problems - that will determine if you succeed or fail.

Do you see the difference?

A lot of people don't. A lot of people see a problem - and automatically think 'I can't do this' - and promptly give up. Whereas the truth is - when you see a problem - you have a choice.

When you come up against a problem - your choice is: Do I give up because of this problem - or do I push through despite this problem? It has been proven that successful people have the ability to hit delete to doubt - as they have a clear and defined vision of what the end result is.

Chris Farrell is a successful writer and broadcaster. He specializes in teaching the newcomer how to make money online. He is the author of many ebooks, including the popular 'Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon'. Get yours for FREE here =>

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Friday, 5 February 2010

Keywords - What Are They, Why Are They Important, and How to Find Them

By Chris Farrell

Did you watch the video then don't waste any more time Click Here to get started!

QUESTION - what is a keyword?

ANSWER - A keyword is the phrase that someone types into Google (or any search engine) when looking for something in particular.

For example - if you wanted a re-mortgage, you might type in 'mortgage tips'. In this case mortgage tips is a keyword. If you wanted to improve your golf swing, you might type in 'improve my golf swing'. In this case, improve my golf swing is a keyword.

You use keywords all the time - whether you were aware of it or not. Every time you conduct a search - you use keywords.

As an aside - please note that although the correct term is keyword - a keyword can actually contain a few words. For example - although 'improve my golf swing' is actually FOUR separate words - it is counted as ONE keyword. (I prefer to use therefore the term keyphrase - but keyword is the universally used term).

Why are Keywords important?

To understand why keywords are so important - you have to understand how the web works.
Let's use Google as an example. Google's spiders and robots trawl the web all the time 'reading' every website. Google give a higher ranking to websites that are full of strong keywords. The better use of keywords you have - the higher in Google's listing you will appear - resulting in more exposure of your site.

Once you have a list of strong keywords - all you have to do is make sure you use these keywords on your web page(s). Sprinkling your web page(s) with 'search engine rich' keywords will make you a favorite amongst the search engines. They reward you with higher listings.

Simply put - getting keywords right - can generate a HUGE amount of FREE traffic to your site (this is known in the business as SEO - Search Engine Optimization).
Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step;
only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find his
right road.
Dag Hammarskjold (1905-1961)
Swedish statesman.
How do I find keywords?

So how do you determine the best keywords to describe your site? The bottom line is - you have to think like a searcher.

Let's use your own site as an example (or your eventual site if you haven't created it yet).

What is the theme of your site? What is its subject matter? What product or service are you offering? Take a step back - and ask yourself - if you were looking for a site such as yours- which words would you type into a search engine?

Of course you will be able to think of a few - but they may not be the best. You need to figure out the most effective keywords.

Naturally there are many tools on the web that can help.

Have a look at these two in particular:

All you do - is type in the words that you can think of - and then with the click of a button - dozens (if not hundreds) of related keywords will appear. These tools also give a DAILY total of how many people are searching using these keywords - so you can see exactly how HOT certain keywords are.

What do I do with the keywords once I have them?

Once you have built a list of solid, strong keywords -make sure you use them in your web page(s). This will get you a higher rating with all the search engines - and then when someone types in one of the keywords you have used -you stand a greater chance of getting that visitor to your site.

Keyword rich content is great search engine fodder.

Chris Farrell is a successful writer and broadcaster. He specializes in teaching the newcomer how to make money online. He is the author of many ebooks, including the popular 'Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon'. Get yours for FREE here =>

Article Source:

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Website Marketing Tips - Become Successful With Forum Marketing!

By Chris Farrell

Did you watch the video then Click here to get started don't waste any more time!

Forum Marketing can be a very powerful source of free targeted traffic. But there are a few guidelines to master first - before you can harness the power of Forum Marketing.

Be positive.

People naturally gravitate to positive people. Post positive sounding posts. Don't get personal about other users (even if you don't agree with them) or products/services you don't personally like. My first website marketing tip: Everyone is trying to grow or create their business -- it pays to be nice.


Visit your forum every day and contribute. Don't be scared. Ask questions. Get involved. Don't be shy. Even if you are brand new -- say that. Introduce yourself. Very quickly you WILL build up a supportive network on online friends.
Practice yourself, for heaven's sake, in little things; and
hence proceed to greater.
EPICTETUS (C.55 - C.135)
Greek Stoic philosopher.
Never post an ad on a forum!

Instead - get a reputation for being helpful. And try and give back when you can -- rather than asking for help/advice all the time.

Create a 'stand out' signature file.

A signature file is what you use to 'sign off' your posts with. You can often make them as eye catching as possible. Be always on the lookout for people who you can connect with. Maybe they have a service that would help you market your site or maybe they are just fun people to get to know. Maybe they would benefit from your encouragement.

Forums are a lot of fun.

You may get many leads from people who respond to your question publicly - or they may contact you privately through the forum (known as a PM - personal Message)

Sign up for as many forums as you can handle but try and spend no more than half an hour every day at your forum. Forum marketing can get very addictive, and eat up a lot of your time. I log on once a day, maybe answer a few posts, maybe post a few, then log out.
The reward of a thing well done, is to have done it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)
American poet, Philosopher.
If you find someone who you think (from reading their posts) would be a good person to approach to suggest helping each other to grow your respective business - send them a Personal Message. Just say hi. Mention that you enjoy reading their posts and would like to be friends. Remember the web is called the web for a reason - it's all about connecting people. A forum is a great opportunity to find like minded individuals online.

Chris Farrell went online for the first time - in February 2008. Within 6 months - Chris was having many $250/days. Within 9 months Chris had his first $1000/days (all figures verifiable). Chris is now a full time Internet Marketer, Product Developer, Writer and Broadcaster working from home in Beverly Hills, California.

Chris's products have now helped over 15,000 newcomers (and rising) successfully start their web business. Chris is a big believer in teaching the 'process' first. SO many fail online as they do not know step-by-step WHAT to actually do. You can now grab your FREE 'Copy This' Step-by-Step Blueprint - How To Make $250/day Online - created ESPECIALLY for the newcomer - by clicking here.

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Monday, 18 January 2010

Discover How to Fulfill Your Potential - In One Easy Step

By Chris Farrell

Did you watch the video then Click Here to Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon'. Get yours for FREE here!

I believe that we are all capable of achieving more. Did you know - Mathematicians and Statisticians have even put a number to it: 3%. 3% of people - so they say - fulfill their potential.


That's all! However - let us not forget 3% of the world's population is still 198 million people.

Are you going to be one of these 198 million?

Woody Allen said it best "...the world is run by people who show up.

When you talk to any successful person, they all say that in life, there are either results or excuses."

Results or excuses. I like that. Well said Mr. Allen. And did you also know - it's been proven time after time after time - that those who get these results - have focused on the end result BEFORE they got there.

Despite what some may think - envisioning this end result is not some mumbo jumbo....Fortune 500 companies train their sales people using these exact strategies.

Jack Canfield the bestselling author of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' said that envisioning success before it happened was the one thing that helped him stay motivated to achieve it.
Every exit is an entry somewhere else.
Tom Stoppard (B. 1937)
English playwright and novelist.
Here are some more famous and not-so-famous real life examples of individuals who envisioned success before they got there - and the barriers they faced on route.

*1* Nobody will watch a show about nothing...' - what Jerry Seinfeld and co-creator Larry David were first told when they began to pitch Seinfeld.

*2* 'There's no market for it. If there were, major airlines would already be offering it...' - conclusion given to Fred Smith, founder of FEDEX.

*3* 'People will rent videotapes, but they'll never buy them...' -opinion of media experts later proved wrong by Jane Fonda's exercise tapes.

*4* 'A global, twenty-four-hour news network will never work...' - network executives' response to Ted Turner's plans for CNN.

*5* 'It's a cutthroat business, you've got no chance of success...' - accountant for Estee Lauder, founder of the multibillion dollar cosmetics empire.

*6* 'You're foolish to try and sell sparkling water in the land of Coca-Cola drinkers...' - advice given to Gustave Leven by several consulting firms when hearing of his plans to launch Perrier in the US.

*7* 'It's a huge risk and it will never fly...' - aeronautical engineers evaluation of Bill Lear's design for a jet.

*8* 'Personal computers are a hobbyist fad...' - prediction of IBM, Intel, HP and Atari.

My favorite:

*9* 'The feedback is the lowest we've ever had, lower than women's bowling, it just won't work...' - the BBC's comments to Ricky Gervais after a test screening of The Office.

Practice thinking from the end.

Just like Johnny Wilkinson did:

After the Rugby World Cup Final in 2003, Johnny Wilkinson was asked whether he was nervous when he received the ball, to execute his last second winning drop goal. His response:

"No. I've been here a million times before."

Nice one Johnny.

Chris Farrell is a successful writer and broadcaster. He specializes in teaching the newcomer how to make money online. He is the author of many ebooks, including the popular 'Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon'. Get yours for FREE here =>

And check out SUCCESS GRENADE - Chris's free rapidly growing weekly newsletter =>

Article Source:

Monday, 11 January 2010

A Dirty Little Secret That Will Cause You to Fail Online

By Chris Farrell

Did you watch the video then Click Here to visit Chris Farrell's membershipsite!

By now you should probably realize that the greatest research tool ever invented... is the Internet. Sadly however - by far the majority of people wanting to make money online - do not wield this power correctly.

Most newcomers believe that it's 'easy' to make money online.

It's not.

Most newcomers believe all they have to do is get a product online - and people will buy.

They will not.

Like any business - there are many skills to master. Many believe - WRONGLY - that because the business is online it will be easy. Why should that be the case? There is no correlation between being online and being easy.

You are creating a new business - period. Your business HAPPENS to be online - but like ANY business - ON or OFF line - there is an education needed to flex your muscles and learn new skills.
It is hard to fail, but it is worse to have not tried to
succeed. In this life we get nothing save by effort.
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919)
Sure once you master these new skills you can make money QUICKER than an offline business - but many believe the web is a magic wand where you need do nothing more than click your mouse a few times and you'll create an income.

The best thing you can do if you are a newcomer - is pick up some basic web skills. If you are aghast at this idea - fear not! Every newcomer (myself included) at one time or another was terrified at the thought of creating their own web page. But you have to get over your web fear -- you NEED to know at least some basic web skills.

And despite what you may currently be thinking - you can get your first site online within a day. I have a free eBook at my site that shows you how.

I'm reminded of that great saying by Woody Allen. "In life, there are either results or excuses".

Which are you going to choose?

Chris Farrell is a successful writer and broadcaster. He specializes in teaching the newcomer how to make money online. He is the author of many ebooks, including the popular 'Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon'. Get yours for FREE here =>

And check out SUCCESS GRENADE- Chris's free rapidly growing weekly newsletter =>
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Monday, 4 January 2010

Article Marketing - A Beginner's Guide

By Chris Farrell

Did you watch the video then Click Here to visit Chris Farrell's membershipsite!

Article Marketing is one of the best sources of free traffic.

Sure it takes a bit of time at first to get used to writing regular articles - but once you have - article marketing will result in a strong way to get targeted traffic.

Here are a few simple yet powerful tips to guarantee you as much success as possible in the exciting world of article marketing.

Use keywords.

If you simply ensure the TITLE and the opening paragraph of your article contain popular "keyword phrases" -- and by that I mean terms that people in your niche might be searching for on the Internet -- then you have done 90% of the work.

* Always submit your articles to EzineArticles FIRST.

Since they are the "Google" of the article directories, it's very important to submit to them first.

Here's why....let's say for example you submit your articles to other directories before you submit to EzineArticles. What happens is when your articles go into 'pending review' at EzineArticles they'll run a check to make sure that you've submitted original content.

The problem arises when they come across a duplicate copy of the same article at one or more of the other directories. If that happens, in most cases your article will not be published.

Give me a stock clerk with a goal,and I will give you
a man who will make history. Give me a man without a
goal and i'll give you a stock clerk.
James Cash Penney (1875-1971)

* Write an article with a solution.

This is a golden rule in article marketing.

The best articles are those that address a problem in the title -- and then go on to offer a solution in the body. Put your article's title in quotes and conduct a search at Google. If the results are not in the millions -- I always aim for under 40,000 -- then you might have a very good chance at making the first page on a Search Engine Results Page.

A 4 or 5 word keyword rich title works (known as long tail). Make sure your article delivers on your title's promise.

* Really use your resource box.

Remember the WHOLE point of your article -- is to get a reader to click through to your site. You put your details at the end of the article -- in the area known as the resource box. It's here that you have to SIZZLE!

Really sell your site -- even better -- offer a solution to a problem. If you have a FREE gift -- shout about it here! This is your free advert -- use it wisely and strongly.

Chris Farrell went online for the first time - in February 2008.

Within 6 months - Chris was having many $250/days. Within 9 months Chris had his first $1000/days (all figures verifiable).

Chris is now a full time Internet Marketer, Product Developer, Writer and Broadcaster working from home in Beverly Hills, California.

Chris's products have now helped over 15,000 newcomers (and rising) successfully start their web business.

Chris is a big believer in teaching the 'process' first. SO many fail online as they do not know step-by-step WHAT to actually do.

You can now grab your FREE 'Copy This' Step-by-Step Blueprint - How To Make $250 A Day Online - created ESPECIALLY for a newcomer - by clicking here.

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